
SBAT Program Clinical Outcomes
Background and Significance of Real-World Clinical Outcomes
Asthma is one of the most common chronic conditions of childhood affecting more than 4 million children in the US, leading to significant morbidity and cost. Under-treatment is very common, especially among children from historically marginalized communities. Schools and school nurses can serve as key partners in the child’s care team in delivering guideline-based healthcare. Coordinated efforts can improve health, reduce school absences, and mitigate the billions of dollars spent on youth disease management.
Purpose of the SBAT Program

The School-Based Asthma Therapy (SBAT) program was developed to ensure guideline-based treatment for children with persistent asthma through systematic school-based asthma screening and directly observed administration of asthma controller medications in school. We report the clinical outcomes from a real-world implementation of the SBAT program.
Our Methods
Medical record review of 545 children enrolled in the SBAT Program from 2013–2019 who were patients at Nationwide Children's Hospital.
Acute and urgent care visits, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospital admissions analyzed for 1-year pre-enrollment and 1-year post-enrollment.
Asthma control assessed by the Asthma Control Test.
SBAT Program Outcomes
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