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for Healthcare Providers

Welcome Healthcare Providers

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our School-Based Asthma Therapy (SBAT) program. If you have pediatric patients who are having difficulty controlling their asthma because they are unable to adhere to the recommended preventative dosing of inhaled corticosteroid therapy, they may benefit greatly by participating in the SBAT Program. The healthcare providers that have referred their pediatric patients with asthma to our program, tell us they appreciate the services and resources it provides. 

What You Can Do

Doctor talking to child patient.
  1. Determine if the Caregivers are Interested 

  2. If there is Interest – If the patient's caregivers show interest in having their child enroll in the program, you can refer them to this website. They can view our Participating Schools website page to see if their child's school is on our list, and they can also learn about the SBAT Program in greater detail.

  3. If Your Patient's School is Listed – Healthcare providers can use the SBAT Referral Form that we've provided in our DOWNLOADS section (scroll below).

  4. If Your Patient's School is NOT Listed – You may want to reach out to the school's nursing staff to suggest that they investigate how this program can benefit children with asthma, and how their school can participate by referring them to our website:

Below are the resources you may need to get these children started in the SBAT Program.


Quick Links

Logo icon with three kids and a sun burst graphic

Working Together to Let Kids with Asthma

The SBAT Program


Phone (520) 576-2578


Funding for creation of this website was provided by the

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (R01HL144652)

© 2024 School-Based Asthma Therapy Program | Branding & Website Design by Artistic Vision Marketing & Graphic Design

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