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Key Stakeholder Testimonials

Focus group studies were conducted and participants ranged in age from six-year-old students to caregivers up to 60 years old. These groups represented children participating in SBAT programs, school nurses, and healthcare team members, physicians and healthcare professionals, along with the parents and caregivers of children with asthma. These focus groups were confidential and therefore, the participants' identities who provided testimonials have been listed generically.


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“I think it is a tremendous help, because if I'm running late and we're already down the street, I'm not going to turn around and go back home. So, I think that it is a benefit for the children, as well as for adults.  We don't want them to be sick when they're at school, but sometimes, we're humans too.  We forget.  It's not that we intend to, you know, forget.  It's just that’s life.”

Caregiver A

School Nurses and Staff

 Children with Asthma

"I keep them [inhalers] next to my bed, so like if I have them at night and then go to sleep, I turn over and my medicine's there. When I wake up my medicine's there, so I always see it when I wake up and go to bed, so I take it.”

Child A

Healthcare Professionals

“I had an SBAT patient and I saw her over the summer, and I asked mom what she was doing because she was on SBAT and she was only five, and she was like, “No, I’m giving it over the summer, because I see it really works.”  That was very interesting, like before then she didn’t believe it.”

Professional A

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"She constantly had breathing issues; we called the squad on didn't seem like she was getting the help that she needed. Now that she's been working with SBAT and the nurse, her mother and her understand, and they got her on a correct long-lasting inhaler plus she has her albuterol at the school. Now she knows the differences of both."

School Nurse A

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Working Together to Let Kids with Asthma

The SBAT Program


Phone (520) 576-2578


Funding for creation of this website was provided by the

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (R01HL144652)

© 2024 School-Based Asthma Therapy Program | Branding & Website Design by Artistic Vision Marketing & Graphic Design

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